Life's Path

Thursday, June 9, 2011

September 2010 - An Answer???

My favorite time of year again!  The September long weekend, we headed up north to spend the weekend with my aunt and uncle and Baba and grandad in Slave Lake.  We had a wonderful weekend of visiting and relaxing.  One last weekend to fully relax and be together before the craziness of football season kicks into gear.

On September 9, I have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Ramesh (the lung specialist) to go over my results of the tests he has sent me for.  There was nothing significant but one of the blood tests he tells me he checked for some allergies.  He very casually mentions that I am allergic to wheat and grass.  This sets off an alarm in my head.  He doesn't give me much more than that for information and wishes me well.  I go home and immediately make an appointment with my naturopath to discuss these findings with her.  I can see her the next day.

September 10, I head to my naturopath appointment and take the results with me to show her.  We go over various aspects of my health and then we talk about the wheat allergy.  She suggests that I go off of anything that has wheat in it (and wheat is in everything!) for 3 weeks, see how I do, and then slowly introduce it back into my system after the 3 weeks to see how I do.  My body will be the guide as to how this allergy affects me.  I decide to wait until the Monday to start the no wheat thing as it is Glenn's birthday on the weekend and we have cake and such so it won't hurt me to wait a couple of more days before taking the wheat out of my system.

Monday, September 13, my life changed.  From the moment that I took the wheat out of my system, my body did a 180.  I was no longer searching for energy.  I started pulling out the stove and cleaning behind and underneath it...who does that in their right mind!!??!!  But that is what I did...I had so much energy that I had to find things to do!  Might as well clean!

Virtually over the weeks, my symptoms disappeared.  I was sleeping better, I had energy, I was no longer spending time on the toilet, I didn't have the headaches, you name it, they left.  It was a wonderful 3 weeks.  The real test would come with my birthday in early October and Thanksgiving when I introduce wheat back into my system.  That will be the true marker for what is going on.  Then I will be fully convinced.  But for now, I am enjoying having my life back!  The world suddenly has color again.  I feel alive!

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