"I've ruined Christmas!" This is what I tell Glenn on the phone. I have just got news that I have to go for my CT Scan on December 24th. We always have Glenn's kids on Christmas Eve and now I have to spend the morning in the hospital getting my CT Scan. I hope that the kids understand that they will have to wait to get the call as to when they can come over, when we are home from the hospital. Ugg, I hate this!
So off we go the the University of Alberta hospital for my CT Scan of my abdomen. They want to see if the inflammation is in any of my major organs. We get there bright and early. We register and then wait in the waiting room. And we wait, and we wait. Everybody that has come in after me has already gone. I approach the desk and ask when it is my turn. Somehow they forgot about me. Hello, we have Christmas to celebrate, this is not a time to forget about me. lol
I finally get called back to the prepping area and I have to get an IV in me...I HATE IV's!! Take all the blood you want from me, give me needles but please, do not give me an IV. They are extremely painful for me. The very thought of it can make me cry. It is NEVER a good experience for me when I have to get an IV. Hopefully one day I will grow out of this!
After the painful IV, I then have to drink this HUGE, I mean, HUGE container of goop and it kind of tastes unappealing. I have to drink it in a certain amount of time and then wait for the actual CT Scan. I drink/choke the concoction down. And then I wait. Glenn has to wait for me in another section. Finally I can go and wait with Glenn. Now I get escorted into the exam/theater room. I am placed on a table that has a machine that will go over my body and take pictures. They get you all ready and then they inject something into my IV and warn me that I will feel like I am peeing my pants, but they tell me that I am not. Well, they were right, you get this crazy warm feeling over you and you literally think you have peed your pants! It is the weirdest thing ever! I tell the nurse I MUST have peed my pants, that felt too real. She assures me I have not. That is just beyond ridiculous. At the end of it all, I realize that I have not peed my pants and laugh at how that stuff can make it feel so real.
After them doing my pictures for the scan, we can finally go home. I am tired. I need to drink plenty of fluids to try get rid of everything they just put in me this morning. But it is Christmas and I have to try and get through the day. I get through it but I don't remember much of it. I am tired, trying to stay festive and it wouldn't surprise me if at sometime throughout the day I took a nap.
Christmas day we spend the morning at home, just Glenn and I and then we head to my families farm for Christmas afternoon and dinner. I try to enjoy everything as much as I can. I have good moments and bad moments. But in the end, we made it through Christmas and everyone is happy. Hopefully next Christmas everyone can be happy AND healthy! Merry Christmas!
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